About me – Sophie

Hi all, here a little feedback on me.

Juillet 2012 -1

I was born in France Paris, but as my parents traveled a lot, I grew up iimagesn South America from the age of 2 and I was 17 when I came back to France. Then I left for the South of England 2 years so I could learn English…back to France and a year later left for the USA (Florida) to work in a world known park (Greatest year of my life!). Waouuu as I read my self sounds like a globe trotter during my youth!

Wesmiley blinkll this just to give you the picture, I speak now many languages, French, Spanish, English, Italian and today I am taking lessons of German…and have no intention to stop there, love traveling and sharing with people.

I am the happy mother of two children (actually teenagers 18 and 20), time goes by so fast!!!!!

I live now in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. My life has made a radical turn and I am here to create my future, by changing my thoughts and my attitude.

I am a Net-worker and energetic healer.

3 thoughts on “About me – Sophie”

  1. So nice to meet you Sophie! Can you tell me how I follow your blog? I cannot find a “follow” button. I am SO no computer comfortable…your blog looks amazing! You seem to know you way around so well!


  2. Hi Sharon, normally at the top of your page you have a black ribon on the left hand side should find Maserkey… and then +Follow
    😉 good luck.


  3. Joseph Szczygiel said:

    Sophie, You are wonderful!!!!


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